Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Human Committment

" If someone claims to love Allah, but has great difficulty in loving or respecting the human beings around them, then we have a right to be a little suspicious of their claim... The muslim who neglects his or her human committments has forgotten that there will be a day when all the books are opened and does not realise that perhaps their book will record that they failed those whom they should have been loving and helping, when they were really needed by them...."

-For Heavens Sake, Ruqaiyah Waris Maqsood


The above reminded me of a talk on marriage by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, and particularly the point he made regarding why marriage is 'half ones faith', I quote from my sad excuse for notes...

" You have to understand that the Deen has two halfs. One half relates to your relationship with Allah, your faith and worship. The key to it is ikhlaas and sincerity. The other half is your dealing and conduct with God's creation. That has a key, the key of which is a good marriage. This has one vital quality, mentioned explicitly by Rasoolullah, 'Deal with people with good character'..."

I am tempted to continue to write up the notes from the fantastic talk, but I do not want to focus, for this post atleast, on marital relationships only. I understand why marriage is 'the key' though, considering it is that base which will pave the way for the future. A strong wholesome marriage, level headed parents, will raise children of adaab, who will seek to serve their fellows, seek to build good character, a live example of which they witnessed in their parents, who lived by what Rasoolullah taught. Inshallah one can hope. It's the circle of life.

Focus on serving those close to you, for now, oh self. For you know not what will weigh heavy on the scales on the Day it matters. Let me repeat oh self, incase you forget...
"The muslim who neglects his or her human committments has forgotten that there will be a day when all the books are opened and does not realise that perhaps their book will record that they failed those whom they should have been loving and helping, when they were really needed by them...."

And actions speak louder than words.

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