Inner peace
Real happiness and inner peace can be found in submitting to the commands of the Creator and the Sustainer of this world. Allah has said in the Quran:
[Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest] 13:28
On the other hand, the one who turns away from the Quran will have a life of hardship in this world. Allah has said:
[But whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment] 20:124
[Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest] 13:28
On the other hand, the one who turns away from the Quran will have a life of hardship in this world. Allah has said:
[But whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment] 20:124